In general, during the period or menstruation, the woman can experience various symptoms and discomforts, which can be aggravated by making some common mistakes during the menstrual cycle, join us in this article to reveal and do not commit them again.
In addition to the use of poor-quality tampons or pads, although all brands generally pass their safety test, there are certain practices that can cause some problems for women during their period.
1. Drink too much coffee
When we're very sleepy, tired, or have a headache, we immediately think of drinking coffee. But, on the other hand, caffeine can dehydrate us and can make symptoms worse, especially headaches. Cutting back on coffee and tea during your period can help relieve tension, insomnia, and anxiety. Many doctors advise limiting caffeine intake during this stage, this also prevents breast pain before the start of the period.
2. Using pain medication
Did you know that over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen (Advil, Midol, Motrin), naproxen (Aleve), and acetaminophen (Tylenol) can cause more problems than they solve? According to the US National Library of Medicine, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and naproxen increase the risk of a sudden, unannounced heart attack or stroke. They can also be the cause of ulcers or bleeding in the stomach and intestines, and alter or damage the beneficial bacteria in the intestine. Also, if some of the pain medications are used frequently, they can damage the kidneys and liver.
If you increase your intake of magnesium, calcium, and vitamin B6 , they can reduce or stop menstrual cramps . According to one study, women who took 1,200 mg of calcium a day cut their PMS symptoms like headaches, abdominal cramps, mood swings, and food cravings in half.
Using evening primrose oil and vitamin E will reduce breast tenderness. Therefore, preventing certain symptoms helps minimize the amount of medication you need.
3. Change tampons infrequently
If you are one of the women who use tampons, or feminine pads for long periods, you could be encouraging the growth of harmful bacteria. Both tampons and pads are the perfect environment for unhealthy bacteria, such as the following:
· Golden Staphylococcus: This bacteria releases a toxin that causes a serious infection known as toxic shock syndrome. The tampon or pad should be changed every 4 to 8 hours. You can also use a menstrual cup for up to 12 hours before emptying, washing, and reinserting, in case you need long-lasting protection.
4. Use of tampons or towels made from rayon or bleached cotton
Most tampons and pads consist of rayon or cotton, or a mixture of both. These conventional pads and tampons include traces with traces of pesticides, adhesives such as methyldibromo glutanitrile and dioxin, which affect fertility.
According to many researchers and the FDA statement on dioxin exposure from tampons, which is considered too low to be harmful, and does not include vaginal tissue permeability, frequency of exposure, or impacts long-term from low dioxin levels. If this is multiplied by several thousand, which is roughly the number of tampons a woman will use in her lifetime, we can conclude that these barely detectable chemical residues have the potential to be very dangerous. More research needs to be done in order to know exactly the health effects of long-term exposure.
Women should use tampons and pads, which are organic. Other safe and effective alternatives are the use of menstrual cups made of medical grade silicone and reusable organic cotton pads.
5. The use of scented products
Scented products should not be used, as they can irritate the body. They can lead to bacterial or fungal infections, and leach out harmful chemicals. Scented products are loaded with synthetic chemicals, such as phthalates, parabens, and cancer-causing compounds like butylated hydroxyanisole. According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, women should not use any of the scented feminine products, including tampons, bubble baths, wipes and sprays.
6. Not getting enough sleep
Sleep is very important, and even more so when you are on your menstrual period; It is very important to find moments of rest and sleep the necessary hours. Without enough rest, stress can put more stress on our bodies and lead to inflammation, which increases the symptoms of PMS and menstrual cramps.
During sleep, our body repairs itself and improves the immune system. Not getting enough sleep can change your hormone levels and throw your mood out of balance. Sleeping 7 to 8 hours is especially important during menstruation.
Skipping exercise
As a last tip, we add that regular exercise is very beneficial in reducing symptoms during menstruation. Exercising will relieve cramps and improve the quality of your sleep. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, it is advisable to get at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week, even when you are having your period. Also, activities like swimming, cycling, walking can reduce menstrual pain. You should be especially careful if you do not play sports regularly, and start small.
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