The hepatic steatosis, also known as fatty liver, consists of excess triglycerides in the liver, which will make progressively smaller they appear fat droplets throughout the liver tissue. These drops are perfectly visible.
Generally, hepatic steatosis is caused by excess alcohol, in fact 9 out of 10 people with chronic alcoholism present this abnormality in the liver, but even so there is non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis that occurs in patients who do not consume alcohol or do not They do it in quantities of utmost importance. The most common is that hepatic steatosis is present in the majority of people who suffer from obesity, 8 out of 10 adults and 5 out of 10 children with obesity have this disease, while only one in 10 people with a fat index normal suffers from non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis.
In general, this disease does not tend to get complicated and with proper treatment it can be reversible (depending on the case and when it is discovered), and not cause major or long-term damage to the liver. However, even though this disease could be taken as something very simple, there are still the possibilities that it may cause liver carcinoma or fulminant cirrhosis or hepatitis with its progress.
Symptoms of hepatic steatosis
There are several symptoms of hepatic steatosis such as:
· Abdominal pain in the upper right part.
· Loss of appetite
· Diarrhea.
· Fatigue.
· Vomiting
· Asthenia.
· fatigue
In cases of alcoholic liver steatosis the symptoms can also be:
· Redskin.
· Red eyes.
· Shaking.
· Distillation of rare odors.
· You have dilated blood vessels located on the skin of the nose or cheekbones.
· Unusually large parotid glands.
In cases where liver steatosis worsens or evolves into another disease, the symptoms could also be:
· Liver failure.
· Jaundice (yellow skin)
· Loss of muscle mass.
· Unusually wide abdomen.
According to studies, 3 out of 10 people have no symptoms when they have nonalcoholic or alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Who suffers it?
In addition to those people who suffer from chronic alcoholism, there are some other causes and people prone to suffering from fatty liver such as:
· People with chronic hepatitis C.
· Pregnant women.
· People with hypothyroidism.
· People with diverticulosis.
· People with obesity.
· People with poor nutrition.
· By toxins in the liver.
· People with sleep apnea syndrome.
· People with Hypertriglyceridaemia
· People with diabetes mellitus.
· Family history of having hepatic steatosis
How to diagnose it
To diagnose hepatic steatosis there are various methods, thanks to the advancement of medicine over the years, the methods for the correct diagnosis of hepatic steatosis are:
1. Blood test:
In this test, liver enzymes are evaluated, since they rise in values when the liver begins to be damaged. Among these enzymes are transaminases, which tend to raise their values twice normal and thanks to these the doctor decides if it is necessary to do other tests for a specific diagnosis, which will say if the patient has hepatic steatosis or is it another disease.
This test alone is not enough to diagnose hepatic steatosis, since this test effectively indicates whether or not there are problems with the liver, but it does not say what type of problem there is in it.
2. MRI and CT:
In general, these tests are carried out in the last stay, when none of the other tests give concrete results, since they are truly very expensive. However, they are quite accurate when it comes to fat in the liver.
3. Abdominal ultrasound:
It determines exactly if the liver is injured or not, however it is not able to tell the cause of the injury. But it specifies whether the damage is due to the bile duct or liver tissue.
4. Liver elastography:
This test gives an approximate measure of the degree of fibrosis in which the liver is. This is also the reason why it is not a study that alone can diagnose hepatic steatosis.
5. Liver biopsy:
It consists of taking a sample of the liver and determining if it is hepatic steatosis, in addition it will also say if the cause is or not alcohol.
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