One of the great concerns that arise when you become a mother or father is the fact of knowing how to properly care for your children, you always try to give them the best so that they grow up healthy; One of the main problems you face is all those myths, beliefs and realities that have been passed from generation to generation, especially when we talk about food, and that, logically, all those who were parents always end up teaching to future generations, but are these beliefs really true?
If you are a new parent or are going through this stage again, surely you have many fears above, but there really is no reason to have them, accurate information will always be your best ally and, to take one more weight off, here are some of the false ones Beliefs about the feeding of children that you should completely eliminate from your life no matter what the "expert mothers" say, remember that the health of your little ones is not a game and there is no better remedy for their health than information.
This myth is one of the most common, since many parents argue that if a child does not eat they will not have the nutrients that their body needs to grow "healthy and strong", so, for the most part, they end up turning to nutritional supplements that they do not need But the reality is that this is not the case, these products are abusing the fear that parents feel about the "malnutrition" of their children and lead them to purchase these products.
What the specialists say is that, in reality, there does not have to be any deficit in children, since all nutritional needs are covered if the diet is adequate and healthy; if the child is happy, responds to stimuli, and is active, there is nothing to worry about. These fears must be removed because, normally, as long as children eat, we fall into the error of “supplementing” their diet or, worse still, offering appetizing foods for them, even if they are unhealthy, as long as they eat.
This point goes hand in hand with the previous one, since the fear that the child will grow up with a problem due to not having a "good diet" leads us to force them to eat, but with this the only thing we cause is that the little one has a rejection of food, which leads to alterations or bad relationships with food. The important thing is to involve the child in his diet by explaining why it is important for him to eat, making him responsible, but you should never force him to do something he does not want.
This is one of the oldest and half false beliefs about the diet of children and adults, since breakfast becomes the most important meal of the day only if it will be the only one that is going to be done. As for children, it is not really essential that they eat breakfast if they do not want to, since many times this leads them to eat unhealthy food as long as they do so, if they are young and already attend school, you do not have much of what worry, since there they will have a meal and, if they still do not attend, they will be hungry later. You can wait between 90 and 120 minutes without food without suffering any serious disorder.
The reality here is not that the child does not eat breakfast, but rather that he does it in a delayed way or in two stages.
It is recommended that babies begin to eat more solid foods after 6 months, so pediatricians always provide parents with a complicated nutritional table with the amounts of processed foods in the form of puree or porridge that babies should ingest when they start with complementary feeding, but the reality is that these preparations are not necessary, since the baby himself has the ability to create a guided feeding, which becomes a guide for parents, where they learn to respect the feelings of hunger and fullness of the child leaving him to choose what, how much and when to eat, because only he knows what he really needs, obviously the responsibility as a parent falls on him to offer healthy food.If the introduction of solid food to the baby is delayed beyond nine months, it can cause the rejection of such foods until a much later age and reduce food tastes.
When the baby is given a puree or porridge, it is not only limited that they manipulate, smell, play and taste the food, but we increase the caloric value that we give them in a single intake, since we do not know how much it fits in their stomach so small, therefore mixing many foods causes your weight gain.
There is the foolish belief that there is good breast milk and bad breast milk, but, in reality, breast milk will always be good, what is bad are all those artificial milk inventions, since the synthesis of breast milk depends on the suction of the baby and contains all the nutrients that the child needs for their development and growth. Breast milk is the only "superfood" or essential food, the most complete and the one that has the most benefits.
When you are a baby, you begin to have the first contact with food, so it is recommended that this be without intermediaries, that is, without sugars or salts that enhance the flavor, since it is best for children to know the original taste of food. Salt, fat and sugar make food more palatable, therefore they insist us to want to eat even more, but, being the first time in life that these foods will be ingested, it is preferable that the first the contact of babies is natural, the innate ability of children to prefer sweet foods is lost over time, so the less you give them the better.
It is advisable to avoid these substances until at least one year, after that time the use of these should be moderate, avoiding the consumption of ultra-processed, according to the WHO.
High blood glucose, also known as hyperglycemia, occurs when there is too much sugar in the bloodstream. Low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, is the result of too little glucose in the bloodstream. Hyperglycemia usually occurs because your body doesn’t produce enough insulin or can’t properly use the available insulin to remove the glucose from the bloodstream.